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A Speech Neuroprosthesis in the Frontal Lobe and... : Neurosurgery

A Speech Neuroprosthesis in the Frontal Lobe and Hippocampus

A Speech Neuroprosthesis in the Frontal Lobe and... : Neurosurgery

late and orbitofrontal cortices, and hippocampus. METHODS: A 37-year-old male neurosurgical epilepsy patient with intact speech, implanted with depth electrodes for clinical reasons only, silently controlled the neuroprosthesis almost immediately and in a natural way to voluntarily produce 2 vowel sounds. RESULTS: During the first set of trials, the participant made the neuroprosthesis produce the different vowel sounds artificially with 85% accuracy. In the following trials, performance improved consistently, which may be attributed to neuroplasticity. We show that a neuroprosthesis trained on overt speech data may be controlled silently. CONCLUSION: This may open the way for a novel strategy of neuroprosthesis implantation at earlier disease stages (eg, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), while speech is intact, for improved training that still allows silent control at later stages. The results demonstrate clinical feasibility of direct decoding of high-frequency activity that includes spiking activity in the aforementioned areas for silent production of phonemes that may serve as a part of a neuroprosthesis for replacing lost speech control pathways....